Sunday, 7 June 2015

Final Image: Concrete Dreams LO5

I wanted an image to take advantage of two of Sheffield's most recognisable buildings, the Cheese Grater known as the 3rd coolest car park in the world (according to and St Paul's Tower which is the tallest building in Sheffield, both building are next to each other. Since the two are next to each other I imagine them building up a woman's head, and so I tried to accurately match them to scale. I wanted to create the feeling of somebody looking at these buildings and identifying herself with them, like this is a promotional image for a drama where the buildings are significant to her, like if a big event like a murder happened in that area. The black and white colour connote a very bleak, expressionless emotion, which the face also does. The identity in this image is how the model identifies with the buildings, connoted with them making up her head as if the buildings are a part of her.

Method of display

This image would be on a 24 x 28 inch display through a frame as the size allows for a lot of its detail to be shown which may require a larger image, such as the way the Saint Paul's Tower acts as highlights for her hair. This would cost around £30

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