Sunday, 7 June 2015

Final image: Tomorrow's Today LO5

With this image I wanted to imagine a Sheffield building as if it was on another world entirely. With such things as purple trees and a big death star-like satellite as ideas, I was a fan of the concept. Because of this I decided to choose the Park Hill building as that was a building consisting of warm colours, that seemed to be good for playing around with in order to create an unusual, other world feeling. Because the sky in the original photograph seemed to be very plain and I wanted different colour filters for the sky and ground, I had placed another image of the sky with its own filters in the background, in a way where you could see this strange star in the sky. The identity of this image is how colours can identify just about anything in how you see things, to the point where things look like they are from another world because of them.

Method of Display
I would like this image to be displayed on a canvas as this is a full landscape image that would require a big size to see the detail in park hill, and to tell the difference between this other world-like Park Hill and what it may look like in our world. The canvas size here would 72 x 36 inches big. This would be £250 to £280.

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