Sunday, 15 March 2015

Duncan Philpott write up (LO1)

Sports photographer, Duncan Philpott came into UTC to discuss photography, how he uses software and answer questions. During his presentation, Philpott expressed that while he was a sports photographer, a better definition would be something along the lines of an adventure photographer, as he takes pictures of mainly sports that are in specific, adventurous locations like a forest or cliff.  Sometimes he may have to use a specific method of taking some photos, like a large tripod that is way above him to take a picture of the top of a mountain or something. His work has been on things like Nike's instagram account. He uses a software called Adobe Lightroom where he demonstrated how he navigates to his photos, through both colours that he chooses for specific categories, alongside a 5 star rating to filter what he likes the most. He also demonstrated the way he lights things through lightroom's tools, like emphasising the green in a woods photo, lighting up parts that were darker etc.

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